茶話会 災害時の風呂敷活用術

2022.9.15 Tea party How to use furoshiki [Dormant deposit utilization project]

Activity report

September 16, 2020

Address: 71 Higashikoji Ko, Yoshida-cho, Uwajima City Name of organization: Uwajima NPO Center Representative: Representative Tomoko Tanimoto
Person in charge: Akiko Hayashi

1-Name of business Tea party [How to use furoshiki useful in times of disaster]
2- Organizer (co-organizer)

Sponsored by: Uwajima NPO Center


 ・Aiming to create a town where people can live with peace of mind by promoting connections between people, a sense of purpose in life, and mental and physical health through opportunities for local interaction.

・Obtain a place and relationships where you can feel safe, which will arouse, encourage, and improve your motivation for living, and bring about positive effects in all areas of your life.

・Make a backpack using familiar furoshiki and provide disaster prevention education

4-Date and time

Thursday, September 15, 2020 11:00-14:00

4-Venue Uwajima NPO Center
5-Number of participants

12 participants

6-Admission fee/participation fee, etc. free

This time, we invited Yoko Kifuji as a lecturer and taught us how to use furoshiki useful in times of disaster.

Everyone brought their own furoshiki and it was the first time in a while that we brought out a furoshiki! I said, listening intently. I learned that a furoshiki that had been sleeping in a drawer can be turned into a convenient backpack, a shoulder bag, and a protection against the cold when it's cold. I also learned that plastic wrap can be used as a substitute for string, that it can be used as memo paper, and that it can be attached to glass to prevent it from scattering if it breaks.

I learned that there are still many ways to use things that are around us to help reduce disasters.

We would also like to invite Mr. Kifuji to come and give the second disaster prevention lecture.

8-Contact information Address: 71-1 Higashikoji, Yoshida-cho, Uwajima City
Name: Tomoko Tanimoto (Representative of Uwajima NPO Center)
Contact: 0895-49-3563
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