Activity report
August 19, 2021
Address: 71 Higashikoji Ko, Yoshida-cho, Uwajima City Name of organization: Uwajima NPO Center Representative: Representative Tomoko Tanimoto
Person in charge: Akiko Hayashi
1-Name of business | Dormant deposit business Creating a place to stay Board game activity report |
2- Organizer (co-organizer) | Sponsored by: Uwajima NPO Center |
3-Purpose |
4-Date and time | August 9, 2021 (Holiday) 13:00-16:00 |
4-Venue | Yoshida Community Center |
5-Number of participants |
6 staff members |
6-Admission fee/participation fee, etc. | free |
7-Overview |
The connections between junior high and high school students living in Yoshida Town and young to mid-career workers and farmers are weak, and there is little interaction between residents across age groups. The aim is to create face-to-face relationships by having men and women of all ages interact through board games. Also, listen to participants' needs and problems during the conversation and guide them to solutions. On the day of the event, an evacuation advisory and warning had been issued in Uwajima City, so only one man, who had evacuated and remained at the community center, participated, and all the staff participated and enjoyed board games for the entire time. Since the first session involved warnings and evacuations, I was able to think about a variety of issues at once, and it was a session that I could apply to the next session. I realized that board games were more fun than I expected, and I wanted to share them with a wider audience. The ladder in the photo is called ``Catch the Moon,'' a game that involves both teamwork and betrayal.This was the first time for the Horibata Board Game Club to complete the game, demonstrating the strong bonds among the participants. In the future, we would like to work to resolve issues such as deciding whether to cancel when a warning occurs and communicating about cancellation. [Impressions] For those who participated, it seemed like it was difficult to understand the rules, but we all followed each other, and on the other hand , we had a lot of laughs, and I think it was a great way to relieve stress at the evacuation center . I hope that evacuations that incorporate board games will become more common in the future, and that more people will voluntarily evacuate. |
8-Contact information | Address: 71-1 Higashikoji, Yoshida-cho, Uwajima City Name: Tomoko Tanimoto (Representative of Uwajima NPO Center) Contact: 0895-49-3563 |